Electronic Bidding Getting set up

Getting set up with electronic bidding

Custom virtual planroom for your projects

Work with your planroom administrator to get a virtual planroom set up for your agency where your projects are posted.

A virtual planroom is set up with a dedicated URL and custom branding to match your own agency's website. ReproConnect and your planroom provider will take care of this setup, with your input and feedback.

Once live, your planroom provider will help with the transfer of your construction documents or RFQs to the planroom. Your provider will also help gather the important project details (bid date, contact person, etc) and highlight those right on the Project Details page, so your bidders can quickly see this information without even having to dig through the PDF files.

Enable the electronic bidding option

Once your planroom provider is helping post your projects and RFQs they can enable the electronic bidding module for you. There are a few things you will need to provide:

  1. Let your provider know which projects need electronic bidding. You may want it enabled for every project, or you may want to tell them to wait and let you indicate when to enable bidding for a specific project.
  2. You will need to identify the authorized bid managers for your projects - these are the individuals who are authorized to handle the bid openings. Only these assigned bid managers can open the bid submissions at the bid opening.
  3. Provide any specific instructions you want to be included on the bid submission form. It's worth mentioning if you need bidders to include a bid bond certificate, for example.

That's it!

Getting all set up to handle sealed electronic bids is fast and easy. Typically the initial process to create your virtual planroom takes just a couple days. From there, projects can be posted with electronic bidding available very quickly.